Friday, October 14, 2011

A Short Ride in Bonn: Public Book Box and New Logos at Sign Posts of the NRW Bicycle Trails Net

Among international touring bikers, a trip along the river Rhine is well known  as one of the most beautiful cycling experiences in the world:  a wonderful scenery with castles and famous historic places, and of course, my city, the over 2000 year old city of Bonn.

Enough of these words of praise which might as well come from one of the flyers by the local tourist industry. 
But today, a splendid mid October day attracted me more than ever to a quick ride into the Rhine valley, not for a long tour, though.  My purose was to take a couple of no longer needed books to be donated in Bonn-Beuel.  I wanted to put them into a public reading box located there on the banks of the river.

Photo:  This friendly reader I met at the public reading box when I arrived at this fine library of good will and charity.
The idea of the book box  library is this:  You donate a book for the reading pleasure of others, which in turn entitles you to take a book out for yourself.  Citizens in charge of these boxes around Bonn have just had self closing heavy glass doors put to the boxes, thus making them function even better. -  So much to my purpose of riding to Beuel that day.

I had just reached the bicycle lane on the banks of the river near Kennedy bridge, when I saw the following works in operation:  

Two workers from the company "City-Design GmbH Verkehrstechnik Köln" were standing on a ladder putting some new extra emblems to an already existing bicycle lane post with three indicators.

Herr Camp and Herr Issouhabi  were adding new logos to the road signs for cyclists.  They explained to me that all over the state of North Rhine Westphalia the main long distance bicycle trails were being given specific logos so that it would be easier for cyclists to find their ways. 

As can be seen in this picture, Herr Camp explained how each sign post can be located by its identification lable.

This sign post (picture above) of the North Rhine Westphalia  network of biking lanes reads:  "Is the sign post damaged or is it missing? Call toll free (..) Please give the identificationnnumber below when reporting." 

In case you want to check out this network of bicycle lanes in NRW, which is available as yet only in German, as far as I can see, you can go to this site:  Radverkehrsnetz NRW

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